Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 30, 2016

La cuerda de seda que ata los corazones

Servíos por amor los unos a los otros. Gálatas 5:13.

El amor es la cuerda de seda que une los corazones. No debemos pensar en erigirnos como un modelo. Mientras pensemos en nosotros mismos y en lo que los demás nos deben a nosotros, será imposible realizar nuestra obra para salvar las almas. Cuando Cristo toma posesión de nuestros corazones, entonces ya no hacemos más del estrecho círculo del yo el centro de nuestros pensamientos y de nuestras atenciones.

¡Qué maravillosa reverencia hacia la vida humana expresó Jesús en la misión de su vida! No anduvo entre la gente como un rey, exigiendo atención, reverencia, servicio, sino como uno que anhelaba servir y elevar a la humanidad. Dijo que no había venido para ser servido, sino para servir. ... Dondequiera que Cristo veía a un ser humano, veía a uno que necesitaba simpatía humana. Muchos de nosotros estamos dispuestos a servir a ciertas personas en particular—a aquellos que honramos—, pero pasamos por alto, como indignas de ser notadas, a esas mismas personas a quienes Cristo quisiera bendecir por medio de nosotros, si no fuéramos tan fríos de corazón. ...

La gran lección del perdón debe ser aprendida más perfectamente por todos nosotros. ... El mayor daño que podamos hacerles a otros es no perdonarlos, si es que pensamos que nos dañan de una manera u otra. Esta es una posición muy peligrosa para el cristiano profeso, porque de la manera como tratamos a nuestros hermanos, así el Señor nos tratará a nosotros.

Necesitamos tener una visión más elevada y más clara del carácter de Cristo. ... No debemos pensar en Dios únicamente como un juez, y olvidarlo como un Padre amante. Ninguna cosa puede causar mayor daño a nuestras almas que esto, porque toda nuestra vida espiritual está moldeada de acuerdo con nuestras concepciones del carácter de Dios. Tenemos lecciones que aprender del amor de Jesús.—Manuscrito 35, 1886.

“Sed, pues, imitadores de Dios como hijos amados: y andad en amor, como también Cristo nos amó, y se entregó a sí mismo por nosotros, ofrenda y sacrificio a Dios en olor suave”. Efesios 5:2. Esta es la altura del amor que se requiere que alcancemos. Y la textura de este amor no está manchada con el egoísmo.—Manuscrito 1, 1899, pp. 4.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 30, 2016

Satisfying Answers

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isa. 55:9.

Our plans are not always God's plans. . . .

In His loving care and interest for us, often He who understands us better than we understand ourselves refuses to permit us selfishly to seek the gratification of our own ambition. . . . Often our plans fail that God's plans for us may succeed. .

In the future life the mysteries that here have annoyed and disappointed us will be made plain. We shall see that our seemingly unanswered prayers and disappointed hopes have been among our greatest blessings.

We are not now sufficiently advanced in spiritual attainments to comprehend the mysteries of God. But when we shall compose the family of heaven, these mysteries will be unfolded before us. . . .

Then much will be revealed in explanation of matters upon which God now keeps silence because we have not gathered up and appreciated that which has been made known of the eternal mysteries. The ways of Providence will be made clear; the mysteries of grace through Christ will be unfolded. That which the mind cannot now grasp, which is hard to be understood, will be explained. We shall see order in that which has seemed unexplainable; wisdom in everything withheld; goodness and gracious mercy in everything imparted. Truth will be unfolded to the mind, free from obscurity, in a single line, and its brightness will be endurable. The heart will be made to sing for joy. Controversies will be forever ended, and all difficulties will be solved.

All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for our good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 321.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 30, 2016

The real cause of doubt and skepticism, in most cases, is the love of sin. Steps to Christ, p. 111.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 30, 2016

When we come to ask mercy and blessing from God we should have a spirit of love and forgiveness in our own hearts. - Pr 283

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 30, 2016

Enjoy the Rich Banquet Found in the Word

The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. 1 John 2:27, NKJV.

Let us believe the Word. He who thus eats the bread of heaven is nourished every day, and will know what these words mean, "Need not that any man teach you" (1 John 2:27). We have lessons pure from the lips of Him who owns us, who has bought us with the price of His own blood.

The precious Word of God is a solid foundation upon which to build. When people come to you with their supposed suppositions, tell them that the Great Teacher has left you His Word, which is of incalculable value, that He has sent a Comforter in His own name, even the Holy Ghost. "He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." "I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

Here is presented before us a rich banquet, of which all who believe in Christ as a personal Savior may eat. He is the tree of life to all who continue to feed on Him.

I am instructed to ask those who profess to receive Christ as their personal Savior, Why do you pass by the words of the Great Teacher, and send your letters to human beings for words of comfort? Why do you rely upon human help when you have the large, full, grand promises, "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.... This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever"? They may die, yet the life of Christ in them is eternal, and they will be raised up at the last day. "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." ...

I am instructed by the Word of God that His promises are for me and for every child of God. The banquet is spread before us; we are invited to eat the Word of God, which will strengthen spiritual muscle and sinew. - Manuscript Releases 21:132, 133.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 125.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 29, 2016

La verdad es un antídoto contra el mal

Y estas palabras que yo te mando hoy, estarán sobre tu corazón: y las repetirás a tus hijos, y hablarás de ellas estando en tu casa, y andando por el camino, y al acostarte, y cuando te levantes. Deuteronomio 6:6, 7.

La similitud que existe entre un campo inculto y una mente sin preparación es asombrosa. Los niños y los jóvenes ya tienen en sus mentes y corazones semillas corrompidas, listas para brotar y producir su cosecha de perversión; y se requiere el mayor cuidado y vigilancia en el cultivo y aprovisionamiento de la mente con las preciosas semillas de la verdad bíblica. ...

Cuando la mente es aprovisionada con la verdad bíblica, sus principios arraigan profundamente en el alma, y la preferencia y los gustos se entrelazan con la verdad, y no hay deseo de publicaciones rebajantes y excitadoras, que debilitan las facultades morales y destruyen los dones que Dios ha derramado para ser utilizados con fidelidad. El conocimiento bíblico resultará un antídoto contra las venenosas insinuaciones recibidas a través de una lectura incontrolada. ...

Los padres pueden elegir, si quieren, si las mentes de sus hijos serán llenas de pensamientos y sentimientos puros y santos; pero sus gustos deben ser disciplinados y educados con el mayor cuidado. Deben comenzar temprano a desplegar las Escrituras ante las mentes de sus hijos, para que se formen hábitos y gustos correctos. Los elementos del mal no pueden ser exterminados excepto por la introducción de un alimento que proporcione un pensamiento puro y sólido. ...

Invito a los niños y jóvenes a vaciar sus mentes de las necias vanidades, y hacer de Jesús su amigo perdurable. ... Es una insensatez quedarse quietos y tranquilos cuando hay tantos en esta hora que no tienen seguridad de ser en realidad hijos e hijas de Dios. Los intereses eternos están en juego. ... Caed de rodillas en oración pidiendo fortaleza para vencer las tentaciones, y dedicad vuestro tiempo al escudriñamiento de las Escrituras. No necesitáis quedaros en suspenso; la verdadera luz brilla de la Palabra de Dios sobre todos los corazones que están abiertos para recibir sus preciosos rayos; y es vuestro privilegio decir: “Yo sé que mi Redentor vive”. The Review and Herald, 9 de noviembre de 1886.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 29, 2016

Surprises When We Get to Heaven

The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 1 Sam. 16:7.

Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones whom Christ is drawing to Himself. . . . Many will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed would never enter there. Man judges from appearance, but God judges the heart.

Some among the redeemed will have laid hold of Christ in the last hours of life, and in heaven instruction will be given to these, who, when they died, did not understand perfectly the plan of salvation.

To Jesus in His agony on the cross there came one gleam of comfort. It was the prayer of the penitent thief. . . . In Jesus, bruised, mocked, and hanging upon the cross, he sees the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. Hope is mingled with anguish in his voice as the helpless, dying soul casts himself upon a dying Savior. "Lord, remember me," he cries, "when thou comest into thy kingdom." Quickly the answer came. . . . Verily I say unto thee today, Thou shalt be with Me in paradise.

Such faith may be represented by the eleventh hour laborers who receive as much reward as do those who have labored for many hours. The thief asked in faith, in penitence, in contrition. He asked in earnestness, as if he fully realized that Jesus could save him if He would.

Those whom Christ commends in the judgment may have known little of theology, but they have cherished His principles. . . .

Among the heathen are those who worship God ignorantly, those to whom the light is never brought by human instrumentality, yet they will not perish. Though ignorant of the written law of God, they have heard His voice speaking to them in nature, and have done the things that the law required. Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit has touched their hearts, and they are recognized as the children of God.

How surprised and gladdened will be the lowly among the nations, and among the heathen, to hear from the lips of the Savior, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me"! How glad will be the heart of Infinite Love as His followers look up with surprise and joy at His words of approval!

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 320.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 29, 2016

God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith. Steps to Christ, p. 105.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 29, 2016

Have Fellowship With Jesus Through the Word

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:1, 2, NKJV.

No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the Word of God. By carefully and closely searching His Word we shall obey the injunction of Christ, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." This search enables the student to closely observe the divine Model, for they testify of Christ. The Pattern must be inspected often and closely in order to imitate it.

As human beings become acquainted with the history of the Redeemer, they discover in themselves defects of character; their unlikeness to Christ is so great that they see they cannot be followers without a very great change in their lives. Still they study, with a desire to be like their great Exemplar; they catch the looks, the spirit, of their beloved Master; by beholding they become changed. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." It is not in looking away from Him, and in losing sight of Him, that we imitate the life of Jesus; but in dwelling upon and talking of Him, and seeking to refine the taste and elevate the character; seeking to approach through earnest, persevering effort, through faith and love, the perfect Pattern.

The attention being fixed upon Christ, His image, pure and spotless, becomes enshrined in the heart as "the chief among ten thousand and the one altogether lovely." Even unconsciously we imitate that with which we are familiar. By having a knowledge of Christ, His words, His habits, His lessons of instruction, and by borrowing the virtues of the character which we have so closely studied, we become imbued with the spirit of the Master which we have so much admired....

The Word of God, spoken to the heart, has an animating power, and those who will frame any excuse for neglecting to become acquainted with it will neglect the claims of God in many respects. The character will be deformed, the words and acts a reproach to the truth. - The Review and Herald, November 28, 1878.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 124.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 29, 2016

If we expect our own prayers to be heard we must forgive others in the same manner and to the same extent as we hope to be forgiven. - Pr 283

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 28, 2016

Home at Last!

Well done, thou good and faithful servant: . . . enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matt. 25:21.

As your senses delight in the attractive loveliness of the earth, think of the world that is to come, that shall never know the blight of sin and death; where the face of nature will no more wear the shadow of the curse. Let your imagination picture the home of the saved, and remember that it will be more glorious than your brightest imagination can portray. In the varied gifts of God in nature we see but the faintest gleaming of His glory. It is written, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9.

By and by the gates of heaven will be thrown open to admit God's children, and from the lips of the King of glory the benediction will fall on their ears like richest music, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Matthew 25:34.

Then the redeemed will be welcomed to the home that Jesus is preparing for them.

Then I saw Jesus lead the redeemed company to the gate of the city. He laid hold of the gate and swung it back on its glittering hinges and bade the nations that had kept the truth enter in. Within the city there was everything to feast the eye. Rich glory they beheld everywhere. Then Jesus looked upon His redeemed saints; their countenances were radiant with glory; and as He fixed His loving eyes upon them. He said, with His rich, musical voice, "I behold the travail of My soul, and am satisfied. This rich glory is yours to enjoy eternally. Your sorrows are ended. There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." . . .

Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a description of heaven. As the scene rises before me, I am lost in amazement. Carried away with the surpassing splendor and excellent glory, I lay down the pen, and exclaim, "Oh, what love! what wondrous love!" The most exalted language fails to describe the glory of heaven or the matchless depths of a Savior's love.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 319.

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Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 28, 2016

Una pausa

Los que amáis a Jehová, aborreced el mal; él guarda las almas de sus santos; de mano de los impíos los libra. Salmos 97:10.

El Señor está próximo a venir. La maldad y la rebelión, la violencia y el crimen llenan el mundo. Los clamores de los sufrientes y de los oprimidos se elevan a él por justicia. En lugar de ser enternecidos por la paciencia y la tolerancia de Dios, los impíos se están tornando más obstinados en la rebelión. El tiempo en que vivimos está signado por la depravación. Las restricciones religiosas son desechadas y los hombres rechazan la ley de Dios como indigna de su atención. Esta santa ley es objeto de un menosprecio más que común.

Dios nos ha concedido bondadosamente una pausa. Todo poder que el cielo nos ha prestado ha de ser empleado en hacer la obra que nos ha asignado el Señor por aquellos que perecen en la ignorancia. El mensaje de amonestación ha de ser proclamado en todas partes del mundo. No debe haber demora. La verdad debe ser anunciada en los lugares oscuros de la tierra. Se ha de enfrentar y superar los obstáculos. Se ha de hacer una gran obra, y esta obra se confía a los que conocen la verdad para este tiempo.

Ahora es el momento de mantenernos asidos del brazo de nuestra fortaleza. La oración de David debiera ser la oración de los pastores y laicos: “Tiempo es de actuar, oh Jehová, porque han invalidado tu ley”. Salmos 119:126. Lloren los siervos de Dios entre la entrada y el altar, clamando: “Perdona, oh Jehová, a tu pueblo, y no entregues al oprobio tu heredad”. Joel 2:17.

Dios siempre ha obrado en favor de su verdad. Los planes de los malvados, los enemigos de la iglesia, están sujetos a su poder y a su predominante providencia ... La oración mueve el brazo de la Omnipotencia. El que dirige las estrellas en orden por los cielos, cuya palabra domina las ondas del gran océano, es el mismo Creador infinito que obrará en favor de su pueblo si lo busca con fe*12—E. L. C..—The Southern Watchman, 7 de enero de 1908.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 28, 2016

The soul may ascend nearer heaven on the wings of praise. God is worshiped with song and music in the courts above, and as we express our gratitude we are approximating to the worship of the heavenly hosts. Steps to Christ, p. 104.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 28, 2016

Accept the Bible as the Foundation of All Faith

Whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4, NKJV.

The teachers of Israel were not sowing the seed of the Word of God. Christ's work as a teacher of truth was in marked contrast to that of the rabbis of His time. They dwelt upon traditions, upon human theories and speculations. Often that which mortals had taught and written about the Word, they put in place of the Word itself. Their teaching had no power to quicken the soul.

The subject of Christ's teaching and preaching was the Word of God. He met questioners with a plain "It is written." "What saith the Scriptures?" "How readest thou?" At every opportunity, when an interest was awakened by either friend or foe, He sowed the seed of the Word. He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Himself the living Word, points to the Scriptures, saying, "They are they which testify of me" (John 5:39). And "beginning at Moses and all the prophets," He opened to His disciples "in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (Luke 24:27).

Christ's servants are to do the same work. In our day, as of old, the vital truths of God's Word are set aside for human theories and speculations. Many professed ministers of the gospel do not accept the whole Bible as the inspired Word. One wise person rejects one portion; another questions another part. They set up their judgment as superior to the Word; and the Scripture which they do teach rests upon their own authority. Its divine authenticity is destroyed. Thus the seeds of infidelity are sown broadcast; for the people become confused and know not what to believe. There are many beliefs that the mind has no right to entertain.

In the days of Christ the rabbis put a forced, mystical construction upon many portions of Scripture. Because the plain teaching of God's Word condemned their practices, they tried to destroy its force. The same thing is done today. The Word of God is made to appear mysterious and obscure in order to excuse transgression of His law. Christ rebuked these practices in His day. He taught that the Word of God was to be understood by all. He pointed to the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority, and we should do the same. The Bible is to be presented as the word of the infinite God, as the end of all controversy and the foundation of all faith. - Christ's Object Lessons, 38-40.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 123.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 28, 2016

Those willing to be guided may know God's will - The Lord reveals His will to those who are earnest and anxious to be guided. - Pr 225

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 27, 2016

Las bendiciones de la primogenitura

Te haré entender, y te enseñaré el camino en que debes andar; sobre ti fijaré mis ojos. Salmos 32:8.

Es tanto el privilegio de cada miembro de la iglesia conocer por medio de la Palabra la voluntad de Dios con respecto a su conducta, como lo es para el presidente de la asociación o para cualquier otra persona que ocupe un cargo de confianza. Buscarán al Señor todos los que desean ser instruidos, iluminados y modelados por el Espíritu Santo. Dios está listo para comunicarse con su pueblo...

Cada cual debe tratar de conocer la Palabra de Dios por sí mismo mediante ferviente oración, y cumplirla. Solamente cuando pone su confianza en Dios cada día, y no en el brazo de carne, obtendrá el alma la experiencia necesaria para responder esta oración de Cristo: “Y esta empero es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a Jesucristo a quien has enviado”. Juan 17:3. Esta es la lección que se da a cada alma que ha comenzado el nuevo año. En todas las preocupaciones temporales de ustedes, en todos los cuidados y ansiedades, esperen en el Señor. No confíen en príncipes, ni en hijos de hombres porque ocupan cargos de confianza. El Señor ha unido los corazones de ustedes con el de él. Si lo aman, y han sido aceptados en su servicio, lleven al Señor todas sus cargas, públicas y privadas, y esperen en él. Tendrán entonces una experiencia individual, una convicción de su presencia y su disposición a escuchar las oraciones de ustedes en demanda de sabiduría e instrucción, que les dará seguridad y confianza en la buena voluntad del Señor para socorrerlos en sus perplejidades...

Quiere que se regocijen y lo alaben cada día por el privilegio que les concede mediante las palabras de Cristo: “Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar”. Mateo 11:28... Extiendan sus casos delante del Señor, y no importa cuáles sean sus ansiedades y pruebas, el espíritu de ustedes se fortalecerá para resistirlos. Se abrirá el camino delante de ustedes para librarlos de las ataduras y dificultades. No necesitan ir al pueblo vecino o a los confines de la tierra para saber qué hacer. Confíen en Dios como su permanente Ayudador, como el que es capaz de dirigir todas las cosas puesto que sabe qué es lo mejor.—Manuscrito 15, del 14 de marzo de 1897, “Necesaria experiencia individual”.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 27, 2016

Heaven is Cheap Enough

He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. Isa. 53:10, 11.

The love of God is without measure, without comparison! It is infinite. . . . When we contemplate the dignity and glory of Christ we see how great was that love that prompted the sacrifice made upon the cross of Calvary for the redemption of a lost world. This theme will fill the saints with wonder and amazement through eternal ages, and why should we not meditate upon it here in this world? . . .

O the mystery of godliness--God manifest in the flesh! This mystery increases as we try to comprehend it. It is incomprehensible, and yet human beings will allow worldly, earthly things to intercept the faint view it is possible for mortals to have of Jesus and His matchless love. . . . How can we be enthusiastic over earthly, common things and not be stirred with this picture --the cross of Calvary, the love that is revealed in the death of God's dear Son . . . ?

All this humiliation and anguish were endured to bring back the wanderers, guilty and thankless, to the Father's house. O the home of the blest--I cannot afford to lose it! I shall, if saved in the kingdom of God, be constantly discerning new depths in the plan of salvation. All the redeemed saints will see and appreciate as never before the love of the Father and the Son, and songs of praise will burst forth from immortal tongues. He loved us, He gave His life for us. With glorified bodies, with enlarged capacities, with hearts made pure, with lips undefiled, we shall sing the riches of redeeming love. There will be no suffering ones in heaven, no skeptics whom we must labor to convince of the reality of eternal things, no prejudices to uproot, but all will be susceptible to that love which passeth knowledge. Rest, thank God, there is a rest for the people of God, where Jesus will lead the redeemed into green pastures, by the streams of living waters which make glad the city of our God. Then the prayer of Jesus to His Father will be answered: "I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am."

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 318.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 27, 2016

The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the earth to share His watchcare. Steps to Christ, p. 100.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 27, 2016

The Holy Spirit Illuminates the Word

These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11, NKJV.

"Search the scriptures," Christ declared, "for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." Those who dig beneath the surface discover the hidden gems of truth. The Holy Spirit is present with the earnest searcher. Its illumination shines upon the Word, stamping the truth upon the mind with a new, fresh importance. The searcher is filled with a sense of peace and joy never before felt. The preciousness of truth is realized as never before. A new, heavenly light shines upon the Word, illuminating it as though every letter were tinged with gold. God Himself has spoken to the mind and heart, making the Word spirit and life.

True searchers of the Word lift their hearts to God, imploring the aid of the Spirit. And they soon discover that which carries them above all the fictitious statements of the would-be teacher, whose weak, tottering theories are not sustained by the Word of the living God. These theories were invented by those who had not learned the first great lesson, that God's Spirit and life are in His Word. If they had received in the heart the eternal element contained in the Word of God, they would see how tame and expressionless are all efforts to get something new to create a sensation. They need to learn the very first principles of the Word of God; they would then have the Word of life for the people, who will soon distinguish the chaff from the wheat, for Jesus left His promise with His disciples....

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27). These words are not half comprehended by individuals, by families, or by church members, to whom and through whom, as His family, God would represent pure, unadulterated truth, which, if received and properly digested, brings eternal life. - Manuscript Releases 21:131, 132.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 122.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 27, 2016

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God's purpose they are indissolubly linked together. - SD 181

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 26, 2016

The Gratitude of the Redeemed

The King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matt. 25:40.

Every action of ours in befriending God's people will be rewarded as done unto Himself.

What satisfaction will every reaper have, when the clear, musical voice of Jesus shall be heard, saying, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." "Enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

The Redeemer is glorified because He has not died in vain. With glad, rejoicing hearts, those who have been colaborers with God see of the travail of their soul for perishing, dying sinners, and are satisfied. The anxious hours they have spent, the perplexing circumstances they have had to meet, the sorrow of heart because some refused to see and receive the things which make for their peace, are forgotten. The self-denial they have practiced in order to support the work, is remembered no more. As they look upon the souls they sought to win to Jesus, and see them saved, eternally saved--monuments of God's mercy and of a Redeemer's love--there ring through the arches of heaven shouts of praise and thanksgiving.

There is a heaven before us, and among its inhabitants there will be no strife. . . .

We shall greet the holy family of the redeemed, and hear the words of Christ, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." We shall touch our golden harps, and heaven will ring with rich music. We shall cast our glittering crowns at His feet, and give glory to Him who has overcome in our behalf.

There may be some things here that we do not understand. Some things in the Bible may appear to us mysterious, because they are beyond our finite comprehension. But as our Savior leads us by the living waters, He will make clear to our minds that which was not before clearly understood.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 317.

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Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 26, 2016

Pastores y maestros han de construir la unidad

Y él mismo constituyó a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros, a fin de perfeccionar a los santos para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos lleguemos a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, a un varón perfecto, a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo. Efesios 4:11-13.

A quienes deben ser sus agentes humanos el Señor ha dado talentos de capacidad y medios e influencia de acuerdo con su habilidad, para que en su servicio empleen estos dones con sabiduría. Asignó a cada hombre su obra. “Y él mismo constituyó a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros”.

¿Por qué designar diversos obreros? “A fin de perfeccionar a los santos para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que todos lleguemos a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, a un varón perfecto, a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo; para que ya no seamos niños fluctuantes, llevados por doquiera de todo viento de doctrina, por estratagema de hombres que para engañar emplean con astucia las artimañas del error, sino que siguiendo la verdad en amor, crezcamos en todo en aquel que es la cabeza, esto es, Cristo”. Efesios 4:12-15.

De este texto podemos aprender que el Señor tiene designados sus obreros, y que la obra a ellos confiada tiene en vista un objetivo definido. Profetas, apóstoles, evangelistas, pastores y maestros, todos han de trabajar para la perfección de los santos, para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo. ¿Este objetivo no es digno de cuidadosa atención? ¿No podemos discernir que en algún aspecto especial de la obra en favor de la iglesia ha habido descuido para que los santos no llegaran a la perfección que Dios espera? Si la tarea del ministerio se hubiera hecho, la iglesia habría sido edificada y educada para la gran obra a ella entregada. La verdad se habría presentado de tal manera que el Espíritu del Señor habría actuado sobre los corazones, y los pecadores se habrían convencido y convertido, y ya habrían tomado su lugar como seguidores de Cristo.— The Review and Herald, 7 de marzo de 1893.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 26, 2016

We may keep so near to God that in every unexpected trial our thoughts will turn to Him as naturally as the flower turns to the sun. Steps to Christ, p. 99, 100.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 26, 2016

Exciting Experiences Await Bible Students

And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Luke 24:45, NKJV.

Open the Bible to our youth, draw their attention to its hidden treasures, teach them to search for its jewels of truth, and they will gain a strength of intellect such as the study of all that philosophy embraces could not impart. The grand subjects upon which the Bible treats, the dignified simplicity of its inspired utterances, the elevated themes which it presents to the mind, the light, sharp and clear, from the throne of God, enlightening the understanding, will develop the powers of the mind to an extent that can scarcely be comprehended, and never fully explained.

The Bible presents a boundless field for the imagination, as much higher and more ennobling in character than the superficial creations of the unsanctified intellect as the heavens are higher than the earth. The inspired history of our race is placed in the hands of every individual. All may now begin their research. They may become acquainted with our first parents as they stood in Eden, in holy innocency, enjoying communion with God and sinless angels. They may trace the introduction of sin, and its results upon the race, and follow, step by step, down the track of sacred history, as it records the disobedience and impenitence of the human race and the just retribution for sin.

The readers may hold converse with patriarchs and prophets; they may move through the most inspiring scenes; they may behold Christ, who was Monarch in heaven, equal with God, coming down to humanity, and working out the plan of redemption, breaking off from mortals the chains wherewith Satan had bound them, and making it possible for them to regain their godlike humanity. Christ taking upon Himself humanity, and preserving the level of a man for thirty years, and then making His soul an offering for sin, that the human family might not be left to perish, is a subject for the deepest thought and the most concentrated study....

People may have enjoyed the training of the schools, and may have made themselves acquainted with the great writers on theology, yet truth will open to the mind, and impress it with new and striking power, as the Word of God is searched and pondered with an earnest, prayerful desire to understand it. - The Review and Herald, January 11, 1881.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 121.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 26, 2016

Those who are unwilling to accept the plain, cutting truths of the Bible are continually seeking for pleasing fables that will quiet the conscience. - GC 346

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 25, 2016

Oportunidades menudas

Todo lo que te viniere a la mano para hacer, hazlo según tus fuerzas. Eclesiastés 9:10.

Nada despierta el celo abnegado ni ensancha y fortalece el carácter tanto como el trabajar en beneficio del prójimo... Nadie ha de esperar a que le llamen a algún campo distante para comenzar a ayudar a otros. En todas partes hay oportunidades de servir. Alrededor nuestro hay quienes necesitan nuestra ayuda. La viuda, el huérfano, el enfermo y el moribundo, el de corazón quebrantado, el desalentado, el ignorante, y el desechado de la sociedad, todos están a nuestro alcance.

Hemos de considerar nuestro deber especial el de trabajar por nuestros convecinos. Examinad cómo podéis ayudar mejor a los que no se interesan por las cosas religiosas. Al visitar a vuestros amigos y vecinos, manifestad interés por su bienestar espiritual y temporal. Habladles de Cristo, el Salvador que perdona los pecados. Invitad a vuestros vecinos a vuestra casa y leedles trozos de la preciosa Biblia y de libros que expliquen sus verdades. Convidadlos a que se unan con vosotros en canto y oración. En estas pequeñas reuniones, Cristo mismo estará presente, tal como lo prometió, y su gracia tocará los corazones...

Muchos lamentan llevar una vida de horizontes limitados; pero pueden ensancharla y hacerla influyente si quieren. Los que aman a Jesús de corazón, mente y alma, y a su prójimo como a sí mismos, tienen ancho campo en que emplear su capacidad e influencia. No desaprovechéis las oportunidades menudas, para aspirar a una obra mayor. Podríais desempeñar con éxito la obra menor, mientras que fracasaríais por completo al emprender la mayor y caeríais en el desaliento. Al hacer lo que os viene a mano desarrollaréis aptitudes para una obra mayor. Por despreciar las oportunidades diarias y descuidar las cosas pequeñas que podrían hacer, muchos se vuelven estériles y mustios...

En campos de condiciones... adversas se han realizado cambios notables mediante los esfuerzos de obreros abnegados... Nunca se conocerá en este mundo todo el bien que hicieron, pero sus benditos resultados se manifestarán en la vida venidera.— El Ministerio de Curación, 109-112.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 25, 2016

Unspeakable Gladness

Jesus . . . for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2, R.S.V.

"These things have I spoken unto you," said Christ, "that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." John 15:11.

Ever before Him, Christ saw the result of His mission. His earthly life, so full of toil and self-sacrifice, was cheered by the thought that He would not have all this travail for nought. By giving His life for the life of men, He would restore in humanity the image of God. He would lift us up from the dust, reshape the character after the pattern of His own character, and make it beautiful with His own glory.

Christ saw of the travail of His soul and was satisfied. He viewed the expanse of eternity and saw the happiness of those who through His humiliation should receive pardon and everlasting life. He was wounded for their transgressions, bruised for their iniquities. The chastisement of their peace was upon Him, and with His stripes they were healed. He heard the shout of the redeemed. He heard the ransomed ones singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Although the baptism of blood must first be received, although the sins of the world were to weigh upon His innocent soul, although the shadow of an unspeakable woe was upon Him; yet for the joy that was set before Him He chose to endure the cross and despised the shame.

This joy all His followers are to share. However great and glorious hereafter, our reward is not all to be reserved for the time of final deliverance. Even here we are by faith to enter into the Savior's joy.

To those who receive Him, He gives power to become the sons of God, that at last God may receive them as His, to dwell with Him throughout eternity. If, during this life, they are loyal to God, they will at last "see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads." Revelation 22:4. And what is the happiness of heaven but to see God? What greater joy could come to the sinner saved by the grace of Christ than to look upon the face of God and know Him as Father?

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 316.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 25, 2016

There is no time or place in which it is inappropriate to offer up a petition to God. Steps to Christ, p. 99.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 25, 2016

Scripture's Grand Themes Expand the Mind

He shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book.... And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes. Deuteronomy 17:18, 19, NKJV.

Light reading fascinates the mind, and makes the reading of God's Word uninteresting. The Bible requires thought and prayerful research. It is not enough to skim over the surface. While some passages are too plain to be misunderstood, others demand careful and patient study. Like the precious metal concealed in the hills and mountains, its gems of truth are to be searched out, and stored in the mind for future use.

And when you search the Scriptures with an earnest desire to learn the truth, God will breathe His Spirit into your heart, and impress your mind with the light of His Word. The Bible is its own interpreter, one passage explaining another. By comparing scriptures referring to the same subject, you will see harmony and beauty of which you have never dreamed. There is no other book whose perusal strengthens and enlarges, elevates and ennobles, the mind as does the perusal of this Book of books.

The injunction of the Word of God is "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." God and the human being are to cooperate. All are to work out that which God works in. Students of the Word of God are to use the knowledge they have gained. They are to improve the opportunities that are thrown in their way. With a settled conviction of duty, they are to use their knowledge and influence in any channel, to the end that they may gain more by their use....

Study the life of Christ in this respect. Follow Him from the manger to Calvary, and act as He acted. The great principles which He maintained, you are to maintain. Your standard is to be the character of Him who was pure, holy, and undefiled. - Youth's Instructor, June 30, 1898.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 120.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 25, 2016

"Marriage is honourable" God celebrated the first marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the universe. - AH 25

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 24, 2016

Llenos de su justicia

Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia: porque ellos serán hartos. Mateo 5:6.

“La justicia es santidad, semejanza a Dios; y ‘Dios es amor.’ Es conformidad a la ley de Dios, porque ‘todos tus mandamientos son justicia;’ y ‘el amor pues es el cumplimiento de la ley.’ La justicia es amor, y el amor es la luz y la vida de Dios. La justicia de Dios se incorpora en Cristo. Al recibirle a él, recibimos la justicia.

“No es por conflictos penosos ni por rudo trabajo, ni aun por dones o sacrificios, como se obtiene la justicia; sino que se concede gratuitamente a toda alma que tiene hambre y sed de recibirla. ‘A todos los sedientos: Venid a las aguas; y los que no tienen dinero, venid, comprad, y comed, ... sin dinero y sin precio.’ ‘Su justicia de por mí, dijo Jehová.’ ‘Este será su nombre que le llamarán: Jehová,Justicia Nuestra.’

“No hay agente humano que pueda facilitar lo que satisfaga el hambre y la sed de justicia. Pero dice Jesús ... ‘Yo soy el pan de vida; el que a mí viene nunca tendrá hambre; y el que en mí cree, no tendrá sed jamás.’ ...

“Cuanto más conocemos a Dios, tanto más alto será nuestro ideal de carácter, y tanto más ansioso nuestro deseo de reflejar su imagen. Un elemento divino se une con lo humano cuando el alma busca a Dios, y el corazón anheloso puede decir: ‘Alma mía, en Dios solamente reposa; porque de él es mi esperanza.’

“El llamamiento continuo del corazón es, ‘Más de ti,’ y siempre viene la respuesta del Espíritu, ‘Mucho más.’”—El Discurso Maestro de Jesucristo, 23, 24.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 24, 2016

Welcome to the City of God

His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matt. 25:23.

With unutterable love, Jesus welcomes His faithful ones to the joy of their Lord. The Savior's joy is in seeing, in the kingdom of glory, the souls that have been saved by His agony and humiliation. And the redeemed will be sharers in His joy, as they behold, among the blessed, those who have been won to Christ through their prayers, their labors, and their loving sacrifice. As they gather about the great white throne, gladness unspeakable will fill their hearts, when they behold those whom they have won for Christ, and see that one has gained others, and these still others, all brought into the haven of rest, there to lay their crowns at Jesus' feet and praise Him through the endless cycles of eternity.

As the ransomed ones are welcomed to the City of God, there rings out upon the air an exultant cry of adoration. The two Adams are about to meet. The Son of God is standing with outstretched arms to receive the father of our race--the being whom He created, who sinned against his Maker, and for whose sin the marks of the crucifixion are borne upon the Savior's form. As Adam discerns the prints of the cruel nails, he does not fall upon the bosom of his Lord, but in humiliation casts himself at His feet, crying: "Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain!" Tenderly the Savior lifts him up and bids him look once more upon the Eden home from which he has so long been exiled.

After his expulsion from Eden, Adam's life on earth was filled with sorrow. Every dying leaf, every victim of sacrifice, every blight upon the fair face of nature, every stain upon man's purity, was a fresh reminder of his sin. . . . With patient humility he bore, for nearly a thousand years, the penalty of transgression. Faithfully did he repent of his sin and trust in the merits of the promised Savior, and he died in the hope of a resurrection. The Son of God redeemed man's failure and fall; and now, through the work of the atonement, Adam is reinstated in his first dominion.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 315.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 24, 2016

If we expect our own prayers to be heard we must forgive others in the same manner and to the same extent as we hope to be forgiven. Steps to Christ, p. 97.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 24, 2016

God's Word the Standard of Judgment

God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14, NKJV.

The Bible is an unerring guide for the human race in every phase of life. In it the conditions of eternal life are plainly stated. The distinction between right and wrong is clearly defined, and sin is shown in its most revolting character, clothed with the robes of death. If this guide is studied and obeyed, it is to us as the pillar of cloud, which led the children of Israel through the wilderness; but if it is ignored and disobeyed, it will witness against us in the day of judgment. God will judge all by His Word; according as they have fulfilled or disregarded its requirements, they will stand or fall....

"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you," said Christ, "do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets." These words are of the highest importance, and should be our rule of life. But do we carry out this divine principle? Do we, when brought into contact with our fellow beings, deal with them just as we would desire them to deal with us in similar circumstances?

God tests men and women by their daily life. But many who make high professions of service to Him cannot bear this test. In their eagerness for gain they use false weights and deceitful balances. The Bible is not made their rule of life, and therefore they do not see the necessity of strict integrity and faithfulness. Anxious to amass wealth, they allow scheming dishonesty to come into their work. The world watches their conduct, and is not slow to measure their Christian worth by their business dealings....

The Bible always tells the same story. With it sin is always sin, whether committed by the possessor of millions or by the beggar in the streets. Better a life of deepest poverty crowned with God's blessings, than all the world's treasure without it. We may be very rich; but unless we have the consciousness that God honors us, we are poor indeed. - The Signs of the Times, December 24, 1896.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 119.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 24, 2016

The Christian home is to be an object lesson, illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life. - AH 31

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

November 23, 2016

La ley está completa

Yo soy Jehová que hablo justicia, que anunció rectitud. Isaías 45:19.

Al poner a un lado la Biblia se ha abandonado la ley de Dios. La doctrina por la cual se enseña que los hombres quedan relevados de obedecer a los preceptos divinos, ha reducido la fuerza de la obligación moral, y abierto las compuertas de la iniquidad que inunda al mundo. La perversidad, la disipación y la corrupción lo están arrasando como un diluvio abrumador. Por doquiera se ven envidias, malas sospechas, hipocresía, enajenamiento, emulación, contienda y traición de los cometidos sagrados, complacencia de las concupiscencias. Todo el sistema de los principios religiosos y las doctrinas, que debiera formar el fundamento y el esqueleto de la vida social, se asemeja a una masa tambaleante, a punto de caer en ruinas...

Es imposible debilitar o reforzar la ley de Jehová. Tal como fue, subsiste. Siempre ha sido, y siempre será, santa, justa y buena, completa en sí misma. No puede ser abrogada ni cambiada. Hablar de “honrarla” o “deshonrarla” no es sino usar un lenguaje humano.

La oposición de las leyes humanas a los preceptos de Jehová producirá el último gran conflicto de la controversia entre la verdad y el error. Estamos entrando ahora en esa batalla, que no es simplemente entre iglesias rivales que contienden por la supremacía, sino entre la religión de la Biblia y las religiones de las fábulas y tradiciones. Los agentes que se han unido contra la verdad están ya obrando activamente. La santa Palabra de Dios, que nos ha sido transmitida a un costo tan elevado de sufrimientos y derramamiento de sangre, no se aprecia. Son pocos los que la aceptan realmente como norma de la vida. La incredulidad prevalece en forma alarmante, no sólo en el mundo, sino también en la iglesia. Muchos han llegado a negar doctrinas que son las mismas columnas de la fe cristiana. Los grandes hechos de la creación como los presentan los escritores inspirados: la caída del hombre; la expiación; la perpetuidad de la ley, todas estas cosas son rechazadas por gran número de los que profesan ser cristianos. Miles de los que se precian de tener conocimiento, consideran como evidencia de debilidad el tener confianza implícita en la Biblia, y para ellos es prueba de saber el cavilar con respecto a las Escrituras y anular sus verdades más importantes mediante explicaciones que pretenden espiritualizarlas.

Los cristianos deben prepararse para lo que pronto ha de estallar sobre el mundo como sorpresa abrumadora, y deben hacerlo estudiando diligentemente la Palabra de Dios y esforzándose por conformar su vida con sus preceptos. Los tremendos y eternos resultados que están en juego exigen de nosotros algo más que una religión imaginaria, de palabras y formas, que mantenga a la verdad en el atrio exterior. Dios pide un reavivamiento y una reforma. Las palabras de la Biblia, y de la Biblia sola, deben oírse desde el púlpito.— La Historia de Profetas y Reyes, 460-461.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 23, 2016

In order to commune with God, we must have something to say to Him concerning our actual life. Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Steps to Christ, p. 93.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 23, 2016

We shall Meet Our Guardian Angels

He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Ps. 91:11.

Not until the providences of God are seen in the light of eternity shall we understand what we owe to the care and interposition of His angels. Celestial beings have taken an active part in the affairs of men. They have appeared in garments that shone as the lightning; they have come as men, in the garb of wayfarers. They have accepted the hospitalities of human homes; they acted as guides to benighted travelers. They have thwarted the spoiler's purpose and turned aside the stroke of the destroyer.

Though the rulers of this world know it not, yet often in their councils angels have been spokesmen. Human eyes have looked upon them. Human ears have listened to their appeals. In the council hall and the court of justice, heavenly messengers have pleaded the cause of the persecuted and oppressed. They have defeated purposes and arrested evils that would have brought wrong and suffering to God's children. To the students in the heavenly school, all this will be unfolded.

Every redeemed one will understand the ministry of angels in his own life. The angel who was his guardian from his earliest moment; the angel who watched his steps, and covered his head in the day of peril; the angel who was with him in the valley of the shadow of death, who marked his resting place, who was the first to greet him in the resurrection morning--what will it be to hold converse with him, and to learn the history of divine interposition in the individual life, of heavenly co-operation in every work for humanity!

With the word of God in his hands, every human being, wherever his lot in life may be cast, may have such companionship as he shall choose. In its pages he may hold converse with the noblest and best of the human race, and may listen to the voice of the Eternal as He speaks with men. As he studies and meditates upon the themes into which "the angels desire to look" (1 Peter 1:12), he may have their companionship.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 314.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 23, 2016

Earnest Study Produces True Conversion

Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel. Ezra 7:10, NKJV.

Born of the sons of Aaron, Ezra, in addition to his priestly training, had acquired a familiarity with the writings of the magicians, the astrologers, and the so-called wise men of the Medo-Persian realm. But he was not satisfied with his spiritual condition. He longed to be in full harmony with God: he longed for wisdom to carry out God's will. And so he "prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it."

This led him to apply himself diligently to a study of the history of God's people, as given in the writings of Old Testament prophets and kings. He was impressed by the Spirit of God to search the historical and poetical books of the Bible, to learn why the Lord had permitted Jerusalem to be destroyed, and His people to be carried captive into a heathen land.

Ezra gave special study to the experiences of God's chosen people, from the time the promise was made to Abraham, to the deliverance from Egyptian bondage and the exodus. He studied the instruction given them at the foot of Mount Sinai, and throughout the long period of the wilderness-wandering. As he learned more and still more concerning God's dealings with His children, and began to realize how sacred was the law given at Sinai, Ezra's heart was stirred as never before. He experienced a new and thorough conversion, and determined to master the records of Old Testament history, that he might use this knowledge, not for selfish purposes, but to bring blessing and light to his people. Some of the prophecies were about to be fulfilled; he would search diligently for the light that had been obscured.

Ezra took pains with his studies. He endeavored to gain a heart-preparation for the work he believed was appointed him. He sought God earnestly, that he might be a workman of whom his Lord would not be ashamed. He searched out the words that had been written concerning the duties of God's denominated people; and he found the solemn pledge made by the Israelites, that they would obey the words of the Lord; and the pledge that God, in return, had made, promising them His blessing as a reward of obedience. - The Review and Herald, January 30, 1908.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 118.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

November 23, 2016

Study the life and character of Christ, and seek to imitate His example. - LHU 206

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 22, 2016

The Captivity of Satan and His Angels

The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Jude 6.

The earth looked like a desolate wilderness. Cities and villages, shaken down by the earthquake, lay in heaps. Mountains had been moved out of their places, leaving large caverns. Ragged rocks, thrown out by the sea, or torn out of the earth itself, were scattered all over its surface. Large trees had been uprooted and were strewn over the land. Here is to be the home of Satan with his evil angels for a thousand years.

Here he will be confined, to wander up and down over the broken surface of the earth and see the effects of his rebellion against God's law. For a thousand years he can enjoy the fruit of the curse which he has caused. Limited alone to the earth, he will not have the privilege of ranging to other planets, to tempt and annoy those who have not fallen. During this time, Satan suffers extremely. Since his fall his evil traits have been in constant exercise. But he is then to be deprived of his power, and left to reflect upon the part which he has acted since his fall, and to look forward with trembling and terror to the dreadful future, when he must suffer for all the evil that he has done and be punished for all the sins that he has caused to be committed.

I heard shouts of triumph from the angels and from the redeemed saints, which sounded like ten thousand musical instruments, because they were to be no more annoyed and tempted by Satan and because the inhabitants of other worlds were delivered from his presence and his temptations.

To God's people the captivity of Satan will bring gladness and rejoicing. Says the prophet: "It shall come to pass in the day that Jehovah shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy trouble, and from the hard service wherein thou wast made to serve, that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon [here representing Satan], and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! . . . Jehovah hath broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers; that smote the peoples in wrath with a continual stroke, that ruled the nations in anger, with a persecution that none restrained." Verses 3-6, R.V.

From Devotional: Maranatha, p. 313.

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