Monday, October 31, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 31, 2016

Concesión plena del espíritu

Y de repente vino del cielo un estruendo como de un viento recio que soplaba, el cual llenó toda la casa donde estaban sentados. Hechos 2:2.

Cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió el día del Pentecostés, fue como un viento fuerte y poderoso. No fue dado con una medida escasa; porque llenó el lugar donde estaban sentados los discípulos. Así nos será dado cuando nuestros corazones estén preparados para recibirlo.

Que cada miembro de la iglesia se arrodille delante de Dios y ore sinceramente por el impartimiento del Espíritu. Exclamad: “Señor, aumenta mi fe. Haz que comprenda tu palabra, porque la comprensión de tu palabra proporciona luz. Refréscame mediante tu presencia. Llena mi corazón con tu Espíritu para que pueda amar a mis hermanos así como Cristo me ama a mí”.

Dios bendecirá a los que así se preparan para el servicio. Comprenderán qué significa tener la certeza del Espíritu, porque habrán recibido a Cristo por fe. La religión de Cristo es más que el perdón del pecado; significa que éste es removido y que el vacío lo llena con el Espíritu; que la mente es divinamente iluminada, que el corazón se vacía del yo y es llenado con la presencia de Cristo. Cuando la feligresía realice esta obra, la iglesia será viva y activa.

Debemos tratar más fervientemente de ser de una misma mente y un mismo propósito. Únicamente el bautismo del Espíritu Santo puede llevarnos a lograr este objetivo. Como resultado del renunciamiento propio preparemos nuestro corazón, a fin de recibir el Espíritu Santo para que se pueda hacer por nuestro intermedio una gran obra, de modo que no digamos: “Miren lo que estoy haciendo”, sino: “Miren la bondad y el amor de Dios”...

Podemos hablar de las bendiciones del Espíritu Santo, pero, a menos que nos preparemos para su recepción, ¿de qué valen nuestras obras? ¿Nos estamos esforzando con todas nuestras fuerzas para alcanzar la estatura de hombres y mujeres en Cristo? ¿Estamos buscando su plenitud, avanzando siempre hacia la meta puesta delante de nosotros: el perfecto carácter de Jesús?— The Review and Herald, 10 de junio de 1902.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 31, 2016

Things Thou Knowest Not

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jer. 33:3.

We do not always consider that the sanctification we so earnestly desire and for which we pray so earnestly is brought about through the truth and, by the providence of God, in a manner we least expect. When we look for joy, behold there is sorrow. When we expect peace, we frequently have distrust and doubt because we find ourselves plunged into trials we cannot avoid. In these trials we are having the answers to our prayers. In order for us to be purified, the fire of affliction must kindle upon us, and our will must be brought into conformity to the will of God. In order to be conformed to the image of our Saviour, we pass through a most painful process of refining. The very ones that we regard the most dear upon the earth may cause us the greatest sorrow and trial. They may view us in the wrong light. They may think us in error, and that we are deceiving and degrading ourselves because we follow the dictates of enlightened conscience in seeking for the truth as for hid treasures. . . .

Our prayers for conformity to the image of Christ may not be answered exactly as we desire. We may be tested and proved, for God sees it best to put us under a course of discipline which is essential for us before we are fit subjects for the blessing we crave. We should not become discouraged and give way to doubt, and think that our prayers are not noticed. We should rely more securely upon Christ and leave our case with God to answer our prayers in His own way. God has not promised to bestow His blessings through the channels we have marked out. God is too wise to err and too regardful of our good to allow us to choose for ourselves.

The plans of God are always the best, although we may not always discern them. Perfection of Christian character can be obtained only through labor, conflict, and self-denial. . . .

How inestimably precious are the gifts of God—the graces of His Spirit—and we shall not shrink from the trying, testing process, be it ever so painful or humiliating to us. How easy would be the way to heaven if there were no self-denial or cross! How worldlings would rush in the way, and hypocrites would travel in it without number! Thank God for the cross, the self-denial. The ignominy and shame our Saviour endured for us is none too humiliating for those saved by the purchase of His blood. Heaven will indeed be cheap enough.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 262.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 31, 2016

Never feel that Christ is far away. He is always near. His loving presence surrounds you. Seek Him as One who desires to be found of you. He desires you not only to touch His garments, but to walk with Him in constant communion. Ministry of Healing, p. 85.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 31, 2016

God longs to have you reach after Him by faith. He longs to have you expect great things from Him. - ChS 262

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 31, 2016

Use Responsibly the Gifts of Speech and Influence

Meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Colossians 4:3, 4, NKJV.

God has not given talents capriciously. He who knows all things, who is acquainted with each one, has given to every person his or her work. Those to whom He has entrusted much are not to boast, for what they possess is not their own; it is lent them on trial; and the greater the endowment, the greater the returns required. Day by day God is testing men and women, to see whether they will acknowledge Him as the giver of all that they have. He watches to see whether they will prove themselves worthy of eternal riches. The use they make of their precious endowments decides their destiny for eternity.

Of all the gifts that God has bestowed upon His children, none is capable of being a greater blessing than the gift of speech. With the tongue we convince and persuade; with it we offer prayer and praise to God; and with it we tell others of the Redeemer's love. God would have us consecrate this gift to His service, speaking only such words as will help those around us. And if Christ rules in our hearts, our words will reveal the purity, beauty, and fragrance of a character molded and fashioned by Him. But if we are under the guidance of the enemy of all good, our words will echo his sentiments. Watch well your words. Consecrate your gift of speech to the Lord's service; for He will one day require it at your hands.

Every one of us exerts an influence on those with whom we come in contact. This influence we have from God, and we are responsible for the way it is used. God designs that it shall tell on the side of right; but it rests with each one of us to decide whether our influence shall be pure and elevating, or whether it shall act as a poisonous malaria. Those who are partakers of the divine nature exert an influence that is Christlike. Holy angels attend them on their way, and all with whom they come in contact are helped and blessed. But those who do not receive Christ as their personal Savior cannot influence others for good.... Such lose all hope of eternal life themselves, and by their example lead others astray. Guard well your influence; it is "your reasonable service" to place it on the Lord's side. - The Signs of the Times, January 21, 1897.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 94.

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 30, 2016

Bajo el yugo de Cristo

Llevad mi yugo sobre vosotros, y aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón; y hallaréis descanso para vuestras almas; porque mi yugo es fácil, y ligera mi carga. Mateo 11:29, 30.

El tentador con frecuencia nos sugiere que la vida cristiana es una extorsión de deberes rigurosos; que es difícil estar continuamente en guardia, y que no hay necesidad de ser tan exigente. Así fue como engañó y venció a Eva en el Edén, diciéndole que las órdenes de Dios eran arbitrarias e injustas. ... El propósito de Satanás es el mismo ahora y entonces. Desea engañarnos y arruinarnos. Debiéramos estudiar la vida de Cristo y procurar fomentar su espíritu y copiar su ejemplo; y mientras más nos volvamos como él, más claramente discerniremos las tentaciones de Satanás y con más éxito resistiremos su poder.

La verdadera felicidad no se encuentra en la gratificación propia y en la complacencia propia, sino en aprender de Cristo, en tomar su yugo y llevar su carga. Los que confían en su propia sabiduría y siguen sus propios caminos, se van quejando a cada paso, porque la carga que el egoísmo les impone es muy pesada y su yugo muy irritante. Podrían cambiar todo eso si vinieran a Jesús, y por su gracia se despojaran del yugo que los ata a Satanás, ... si tomaran la carga que Cristo les da y tomaran su yugo en un servicio voluntario y feliz. Jesús ama a los jóvenes, y anhela que posean esa paz que sólo él puede impartir. ... Si nos hemos convertido en discípulos de Cristo, aprenderemos de él, cada día aprenderemos cómo vencer algún rasgo de carácter detestable. cada día copiaremos su ejemplo y nos acercaremos un poco más al Modelo. Si alguna vez hemos de heredar esas mansiones que él ha ido a prepararnos, aquí debemos estar formando caracteres tales como los de los moradores de allí.— The Youth’s Instructor, 21 de noviembre de 1883.

Los requisitos de Dios son hechos con sabiduría y bondad. Al obedecerlos, la mente se expande, mejora el carácter.— Ibid. 7 de mayo de 1884.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 30, 2016

Christlike Love Blends Heart With Heart

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love. Eph. 4:12.

God is love. The love of the Father and the Son is an attribute of every believer. The Word of God is the channel through which divine love is communicated to man. God’s truth is the medium by which the intellect is reached. The Holy Spirit is given to the human agent who works in cooperation with divine agencies. It transforms mind and character, enabling man to endure as seeing Him who is invisible. Perfect love can be enjoyed only through the belief of the truth and the reception of the Holy Spirit. . . .

Christ prayed that His disciples might realize the importance of the love that He expressed by giving His life for the world. He desired them to understand something in regard to His infinite sacrifice. If they had more fully understood His self-sacrificing love, they would never have engaged in alienation and strife.

I urge all who claim to believe present truth to practice that truth. If they do this, they will have a stronger and more powerful influence for good. The world will see that the love expressed by believers is the central and controlling principle of Christ’s followers. Christlike love blends heart with heart. The truth draws men together. It brings into harmony and unity all who have an earnest, living faith in the Saviour. Christ designs those who believe in Him to develop and become strong by association with one another. All who work unselfishly in the Master’s service bear credentials to the world that God has sent His Son to this earth.

Although a company of Christians united in church capacity have not all the same talents, yet it is the duty of everyone to work. Talents differ, but to every man is given his work. All are dependent upon Christ in God. He is the glorious Head of all grades and classes of people associated through faith in the Word of God. Bound together by a common belief in heavenly principles, they are all dependent on Him who is the Author and Finisher of their faith. He has created the principles that produce universal oneness, universal love. His followers should meditate upon His love. They should not stop short of reaching the standard set before them. If the principles of Christianity are lived, they will produce universal harmony and perfect peace. When the heart is imbued with the Spirit of Christ, there is no quarreling, no seeking for the supremacy, no striving to be reigning lords.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 261.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 30, 2016

The Savior is by the side of His tempted and tried ones. With Him there can be no such thing as failure, loss, impossibility, or defeat; we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. When temptations and trials come, do not wait to adjust all the difficulties, but look to Jesus, your helper. The Desire of Ages, p. 490.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 30, 2016

Reveal Jesus' Love Through Speech

The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. Isaiah 50:4, NKJV.

All around us are afflicted souls. Here and there, everywhere, we may find them. Let us search out these suffering ones and speak a word in season to comfort their hearts. Let us ever be channels through which shall flow the refreshing waters of compassion.

In all our associations it should be remembered that in the experience of others there are chapters sealed from mortal sight. On the pages of memory are sad histories that are sacredly guarded from curious eyes. There stand registered long, hard battles with trying circumstances, perhaps troubles in the home life, that day by day weaken courage, confidence, and faith. Those who are fighting the battle of life at great odds may be strengthened and encouraged by little attentions that cost only a loving effort. To such the strong, helpful grasp of the hand by a true friend is worth more than gold or silver. Words of kindness are as welcome as the smile of angels.

There are multitudes struggling with poverty, compelled to labor hard for small wages, and able to secure but the barest necessities of life. Toil and deprivation, with no hope of better things, make their burden very heavy. When pain and sickness are added, the burden is almost insupportable. Careworn and oppressed, they know not where to turn for relief. Sympathize with them in their trials, their heartaches, and disappointments. This will open the way for you to help them. Speak to them of God's promises, pray with and for them, inspire them with hope. .. .

Be coworkers with Him. While distrust and alienation are pervading the world, Christ's disciples are to reveal the spirit that reigns in heaven. Speak as He would speak, act as He would act. Constantly reveal the sweetness of His character. Reveal that wealth of love which underlies all His teachings and all His dealings with humanity. The humblest workers, in cooperation with Christ, may touch chords whose vibrations shall ring to the ends of the earth and make melody throughout eternal ages. - The Ministry of Healing, 158, 159.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 93.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 30, 2016

Many groan under a burden of infirmities because of wrong habits of eating and drinking, which do violence to the laws of life and health. - SL 25

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 29, 2016

Comamos las hojas del árbol de la vida

En medio de la calle de la ciudad, y a uno y otro lado del río, estaba el árbol de la vida, que produce doce frutos, dando cada mes su fruto; y las hojas del árbol eran para la sanidad de las naciones. Apocalipsis 22:2.

¿Debemos esperar hasta que seamos trasladados para comer de las hojas del árbol de la vida? El que recibe en su corazón las palabras de Cristo sabe qué significa comer de las hojas del árbol de vida...

La sabiduría que proviene de Dios es el pan de vida. Son las hojas del árbol de la vida las que se usan para la sanidad de las naciones. La corriente de vida espiritual estremece el alma cuando las palabras de Cristo se creen y se ponen en práctica. Así es como somos hechos uno con Cristo. La experiencia débil y enfermiza se vuelve fuerte. Significa la vida eterna para nosotros, si mantenemos nuestra confianza firme desde el comienzo hasta el final.

Toda verdad ha de recibirse como la vida de Jesús. Ella nos purifica de toda impureza y prepara el alma para la presencia de Jesús. Cristo, la esperanza de gloria, se forma en el interior...

Es fundamental que los que aseguran guardar los mandamientos de Dios posean un conocimiento inteligente de las Escrituras. De ese modo aprendemos a negar el yo y a ser estrictamente honestos con Dios al usar sus beneficios. A fin de que pudiéramos comprender la voluntad divina, Dios nos dio la Biblia. No podemos obedecer sus mandamientos antes que sepamos que existen.

Los padres no tienen excusa si fracasan en obtener una comprensión clara de la voluntad de Dios para poder obedecer las leyes del reino. Sólo así pueden guiar a sus hijos al cielo. Mis hermanos y hermanas, es deber de ustedes conocer los requerimientos de Dios. ¿Cómo pueden educar a sus hijos en las cosas de Dios, a menos que sepan primeramente qué está bien y qué está mal, a menos que se den cuenta de que la obediencia significa vida eterna y la desobediencia muerte eterna?

Comprender la voluntad de Dios debe ser la tarea de nuestra vida. Solamente al hacer esto podremos instruir a nuestros hijos correctamente. Cada palabra y acción de ustedes ha de estar de acuerdo con la voluntad del Señor, independientemente de las opiniones y prácticas de quienes rehúsan obedecer a Dios.* Lucas 1-2.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 29, 2016

Our Christian Experience Must Be Animated

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Rev. 3:18, 19.

Our conscience must be purged from dead works to serve the living God. Sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience, entire conformity to the will of God. If our lives are conformed to the life of Christ through the sanctification of mind, soul, and body, our example will have a powerful influence on the world. We are not perfect, but it is our privilege to cut away from the entanglements of self and sin, and go on unto perfection. . . .

Great possibilities, high and holy attainments, are placed within the reach of all who have true faith. Shall we not anoint our eyes with eyesalve, that we may discern the wondrous things here brought before us? Why do we not with persevering earnestness, work out this prayer, advancing onward and upward, reaching the standard of holiness? We are laborers together with God, and we must work in harmony with one another and with God, “for it is God which worketh in . . . [us] both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” . . .

The Lord takes no pleasure in seeing us spiritually weak. “God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” We have conflicts and trials to meet, but we need not fail or be discouraged. . . .

God can only be honored when we who profess to believe in Him are conformed to His image. We are to represent to the world the beauty of holiness, and we shall never enter the gates of the city of God until we perfect a Christlike character. If we, with trust in God, strive for sanctification, we shall receive it. Then as witnesses for Christ, we are to make known what the grace of God has wrought in us.

The greatest disquietude we can have is uncertainty. The acceptance of the blessings of God brings righteousness and peace. The fruit of righteousness is quietness and assurance forever. We must have simplicity and Godlike sincerity. We must have that wisdom which cometh from above. Our Christian experience must be animated by piety, and instinct with the divine life.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 260.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 29, 2016

Seek the Lord for wisdom in every emergency. In every trial plead with Jesus to show you a way out of your troubles, then your eyes will be opened to behold the remedy and to apply to your case the healing promises that have been recorded in His Word. Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 273.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 29, 2016

The plan of redemption is laid open to us, so that every soul may see the steps he is to take in repentance toward God. - CSA 46

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 29, 2016

Use Well the Talent of Speech

You are fairer than the sons of men; grace is poured upon Your lips; therefore God has blessed You forever. Psalm 45:2, NKJV.

By diligent effort all may acquire the power to read intelligibly, and to speak in a full, clear, round tone, in a distinct and impressive manner. By doing this we may greatly increase our efficiency as workers for Christ.

Every Christian is called to make known to others the unsearchable riches of Christ; therefore all should seek for perfection in speech. They should present the Word of God in a way that will commend it to the hearers. God does not design that His human channels shall be uncouth. It is not His will that human beings shall belittle or degrade the heavenly current that flows through Him to the world.

We should look to Jesus, the perfect pattern; we should pray for the aid of the Holy Spirit, and in His strength we should seek to train every organ for perfect work.

Especially is this true of those who are called to public service. Every minister and every teacher should bear in mind that they are giving to the people a message that involves eternal interests. The truth spoken will judge them in the great day of final reckoning. And with some souls the manner of the one delivering the message will determine its reception or rejection. Then let the Word be so spoken that it will appeal to the understanding and impress the heart. Slowly, distinctly, and solemnly should it be spoken, yet with all the earnestness which its importance demands.

The right culture and use of the power of speech has to do with every line of Christian work; it enters into the home life, and into all our relations with one another. We should accustom ourselves to speak in pleasant tones, to use pure and correct language, and words that are kind and courteous. Sweet, kind words are as dew and gentle showers to the soul. The Scripture says of Christ that grace was poured into His lips that He might "know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary" (Isaiah 50:4). - Christ's Object Lessons, 335, 336.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 92.

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Friday, October 28, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 28, 2016

¡Feliz año nuevo!

Enséñanos de tal modo a contar nuestros días, que traigamos al corazón sabiduría. Salmos 90:12.

Otro año de vida se ha hundido en el pasado. Ante nosotros se abre un nuevo año. ¿Cuál será su historia? ¿Qué escribiremos cada uno sobre sus páginas inmaculadas? Eso lo decidirá la manera en que pasemos cada uno de los días.

Comencemos el nuevo año con nuestros corazones limpios de la contaminación del orgullo y el egoísmo. Descartemos toda indulgencia pecaminosa, y procuremos ser fieles y diligentes alumnos de la escuela de Cristo. Un nuevo año abre sus limpias páginas ante nosotros. ¿Qué escribiremos en ellas? ...

Procuremos comenzar este año con propósitos correctos y motivos puros, como quienes tendrán que rendir cuenta delante de Dios. Nunca olvidéis que vuestros actos están pasando a la historia por medio de la pluma del ángel anotador. Tendréis que volver a encontraros con ellos cuando se comience el juicio y se abran los libros. ...

Si entramos en relación con Dios, la fuente de paz, y luz, y verdad, su Espíritu fluirá a través de nosotros como un canal, para refrescar y bendecir a todos los que viven a nuestro alrededor. Este puede ser el último año de nuestra vida. ¿No entraremos en él con un pensamiento de solemnidad? ¿No señalará nuestro comportamiento hacia todos los demás la sinceridad, el respeto y la benevolencia?

No le neguemos nada a Aquel que dió su preciosa vida por nosotros. ... Consagremos a Dios la propiedad que él nos ha confiado. Sobre todo, entreguémonos nosotros mismos como ofrenda voluntaria.—The Signs of the Times, 7 de enero de 1889.

Que el comienzo de este año sea una ocasión que nunca se olvide—una ocasión cuando Cristo descienda entre nosotros, y diga: “Paz a vosotros”. The Review and Herald, 3 de enero de 1882.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 28, 2016

We May Overcome As Christ Overcame

[He] was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Heb. 4:15.

Christ, at an infinite cost, by a painful process, mysterious to angels as well as to men, assumed humanity. Hiding His divinity, laying aside His glory, He was born a babe in Bethlehem. In human flesh He lived the law of God, that He might condemn sin in the flesh, and bear witness to heavenly intelligences that the law was ordained to life and to ensure the happiness, peace, and eternal good of all who obey. . . .

This is the mystery of godliness, that One equal with the Father should clothe His divinity with humanity, and laying aside all the glory of His office as Commander in heaven, [should] descend step after step in the path of humiliation, enduring severe and still more severe abasement. Sinless and undefiled, He stood in the judgment hall, to be tried, to have His case investigated and pronounced upon by the very nation He had delivered from slavery. The Lord of glory was rejected and condemned, yea, spat upon. With contempt for what they regarded as His pretentious claims, men smote Him in the face. . . .

Pilate pronounced Christ innocent, declaring that he found no fault in Him. Yet to please the Jews, he commanded Him to be scourged and then delivered Him up, bruised and bleeding, to suffer the cruel death of crucifixion. The Majesty of heaven was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and amid scoffing and jeers, ridicule and false accusation, He was nailed to the cross. The crowd, in whose hearts humanity seemed to be dead, sought to aggravate the cruel sufferings of the Son of God by their revilings. But as a sheep before His shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth. He was giving His life for the life of the world, that all who believed in Him should not perish. . . .

Christ bore the sins of the whole world. He endured our punishment—the wrath of God against transgression. His trial involved the fierce temptation of thinking that He was forsaken by God. His soul was tortured by the pressure of a horror of great darkness. . . . He could not have been tempted in all points like as man is tempted had there been no possibility of His failing. He was a free agent, placed on probation, as was Adam and as is man. Unless there is a possibility of yielding, temptation is no temptation. Temptation comes and is resisted when man is powerfully influenced to do a wrong action, and knowing that he can do it, resists by faith, with a firm hold upon divine power.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 259.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 28, 2016

God has a purpose in sending trial to His children. He never leads them otherwise than they would choose to be led if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose that they are fulfilling. Prophet and Kings, p. 578.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 28, 2016

Faithful Users of Talents Will Hear "Well Done"

The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. Matthew 25:16, 17, NRSV.

"God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The ransom money has been paid for every son and daughter of Adam, and [the fact] that those who have been ransomed by the precious blood of Christ refuse allegiance to Him will not shield them from the retribution that will come upon them in the last day. They will have to answer for their neglect to use their entrusted talents for the Master. They will have to answer for their reproaches against their Maker and Redeemer, and for their robbery of God in withholding their talents from His service, and burying their Lord's goods in the earth.

The human family is composed of responsible moral agents, and from the highest and most gifted to the lowest and most obscure, all are invested with the goods of heaven. Time is an entrusted gift of God, and is to be diligently employed in the service of Christ. Influence is a gift of God, and is to be exerted for the forwarding of the highest, noblest purposes. Christ died on Calvary's cross that all our influence might be used to lift Him up before a perishing world. Those who behold the Majesty of heaven dying on the cross for their transgressions will value their influence only as it draws men and women to Christ, and they will use it for this purpose only. Intellect is an entrusted talent. Sympathy and affection are talents to be sacredly guarded and improved, that we may render service to Him whose purchased possession we are.

All that we are or can be belongs to God. Education, discipline, and skill in every line should be used for Him.... Whether the amount entrusted is large or small, the Lord requires that His householders do their best. It is not the amount entrusted or the improvement made that brings to men and women the approbation of heaven, but it is the faithfulness, the loyalty to God, the loving service rendered, that brings the divine benediction "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." This reward of joy does not wait until our entrance into the City of God, but the faithful servant has a foretaste of it even in this life. - The Signs of the Times, January 23, 1893.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 91.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 28, 2016

Through every age, through every hour, the love of God had been exercised toward the fallen race. - DA 37

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 27, 2016

The Ministry Of Angels

And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. 2 Kings 6:17.

How few contemplate the unseen agencies. Men are acting their part either for God or for Satan, the Prince of light, or the prince of darkness. All heaven is intensely interested in human beings who seem to be so full of activity, and yet have no thought for the unseen. Their thoughts are not on the Word of God and its instruction. If they would appropriate the Word of God, they would be astonished that there are agencies, good and evil, observing every word and deed. They are in every assembly for business transactions, in councils, and in meetings for the worship of God. There are more listeners in these public assemblies than can be seen with the natural sight, and every man has his work to do. Those unseen agencies are co-laborers with God or with Satan, and they work more mightily and more constantly than do men. Sometimes the heavenly intelligences draw aside the curtain that hides the unseen world, that we may have our minds withdrawn from the hurry and rush, and consider that there are witnesses to all we do and say when we [are] engaged in business, or when we think ourselves alone.

The Lord would have our perceptions keen to understand that these mighty ones who visit our world have borne an active part in all the work which we have called our own. These heavenly beings are ministering angels, and they frequently disguise themselves in the form of human beings. As strangers they converse with those who are engaged in the work of God. In lonely places they have been the companions of the traveler in peril. In tempest-tossed ships angels in human form have spoken words of encouragement to allay fear and inspire hope in the hour of danger, and the passengers have thought that it was one of their number to whom they had never before spoken.

Many, under different circumstances, have listened to the voices of the inhabitants of other worlds. They have come to act a part in this life. They have spoken in assemblies, and opened before assemblies human histories, and have done works which it was impossible for human agencies to do. Time and again have they been the generals of armies. They have been sent forth to cleanse away pestilence. They have eaten at the humble board of families. Often they have appeared as weary travelers in need of shelter for the night.

We need to understand better than we do the work of these angel visitants.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 258.

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Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 27, 2016

Todos los hombres son hermanos

El Dios que hizo el mundo y todas las cosas que en él hay... De una sangre ha hecho todo el linaje de los hombres. Hechos 17:24, 26.

Dios ha manifestado por los seres humanos un amor infinitamente profundo, y sin embargo, cuán lejos estamos de apreciarlo. Cristo murió en la cruz del Calvario para que los pecadores pudieran ser redimidos de la esclavitud del mal, y ubicados en terreno ventajoso delante de Dios. Pensemos en el maravilloso amor que el Padre manifestó al hacer este sacrificio. Es nuestra responsabilidad señalar este amor a los que están fuera de la grey, contarles a los pecadores lo que Cristo ha hecho por ellos, y lo que pueden llegar a ser debido a su gracia transformadora.

Queremos que como resultado de todo lo que se haga el nombre del Señor sea glorificado y su causa progrese. Ahora, como nunca antes, se necesita una sabia estrategia. El prejuicio humano no proviene de Dios. Dejarnos guiar por los impulsos es muy peligroso. El impulso humano es un elemento muy pobre y no puede reemplazar a la razón santificada.

El Señor Jesús considera cada alma con profundo interés. Ha afirmado que las características espirituales de su iglesia deben ser cuidadosamente preservadas. La iglesia está en el mundo y cebe trabajar para el mundo, pero no debe abrir sus puertas a la mundanalidad. “Toda planta que no plantó mi Padre celestial, será desarraigada”. Mateo 15:13. La iglesia debe ser celosamente protegida, debe manifestar ante el mundo su carácter sagrado. “Vosotros sois labranza de Dios, edificios de Dios”. 1 Corintios 3:9. “Ocupaos en vuestra salvación con temor y temblor, porque Dios es el que en vosotros produce así el querer como el hacer, por su buena voluntad”. Filipenses 2:12, 13...

La verdad debe ser proclamada hoy a :oda nación, tribu, lengua y pueblo. Cristo desea que la obra se haga de tal manera que no suscite prejuicio, porque cuando éste se manifiesta, algunos no quieren oír la verdad...

Todavía estamos en este mundo, donde existen estas barreras, y debemos trabajar de tal manera que alcancemos a todas las clases sociales. No permitan que los obstáculos presentes destruyan su fe y su confianza en Dios.—Manuscrito 114, del 17 de septiembre de 1904, “Pautas relativas a la obra en favor de la gente de color”.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 27, 2016

We are too quickly discouraged, and earnestly cry for the trial to be removed from us, when we should plead for patience to endure and grace to overcome. Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 310.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 27, 2016

All the good qualities that men possess are the gift of God; their good deeds are performed by the grace of God through Christ. - OFC 182

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 27, 2016

One Talent, Used Faithfully, Will Gain Other Talents

The kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Matthew 25:14, 15, NKJV.

Let not the work that needs to be done wait for the ordination of ministers. If there are not ministers to take up the work, let men and women of intelligence, with no thought of how they can accumulate the most property, establish themselves in these cities and towns, and lift up the standard of the cross, using the knowledge they have gained in winning souls to the truth.

The knowledge of the truth is altogether too precious to be hoarded up, and bound about, and hid in the earth. Even the one talent entrusted by the Master is to be faithfully employed to gain other talents also. Where are the men and women who have been refreshed with rich streams of blessing from the throne of God? Let them ask themselves what they have done to communicate this light to those who have not had like advantages. How will those who have neglected to use their talents stand in the judgment, when every motive will be brought under scrutiny? The heavenly Master has committed to every one of His servants talents. "And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability."

God has not given talents to merely a chosen few, but to everyone He has committed some peculiar gift to be used in His service. Many to whom the Lord has given precious talents have refused to employ them for the advancement of the kingdom of God; nevertheless, they are under obligation to God for their use of His gifts. Everyone, whether serving God or pleasing self, is a possessor of some trust, whose proper use will bring glory to God and whose perverted use will rob the Giver. That possessors of talents do not acknowledge God's claims upon them does not make their guilt the less. If they choose to stand under the black banner of the prince of darkness through this life, they will stand unconfessed by Christ in the day of final accounts. - The Signs of the Times, January 23, 1893.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 90.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 26, 2016

Una cadena de oración que circunde el mundo

También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar. Lucas 18:1.

Hermanos y hermanas, recuerden que estamos viviendo en los umbrales del mundo eterno. Los casos de todos están siendo tratados en las cortes celestiales, y es el momento oportuno para abandonar el pecado y obrar fervientemente para salvar a tantos como sea posible.

Entre el pueblo de Dios debería haber, en este tiempo, frecuentes momentos de oración sincera, ferviente. La mente debería estar constantemente en actitud de oración. En el hogar y en la iglesia, elévense oraciones fervientes en favor de quienes se han entregado a la predicación de la Palabra. Oren los creyentes como lo hicieron los discípulos después de la ascensión de Cristo.

Los miembros de nuestras iglesias necesitan convertirse, volverse más inclinados a lo espiritual. Una cadena de creyentes fervientes que oren debe circundar el mundo. Oremos todos humildemente. Unos pocos vecinos podrían unirse para orar por el Espíritu Santo. Quienes no pueden dejar el hogar, reúnan a sus hijos, únanse para aprender a orar juntos. Podrán reclamar la promesa del Salvador: “Donde están dos o tres congregados en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos” Mateo 18:20.

En respuesta a las oraciones del pueblo de Dios, se envían ángeles con bendiciones celestiales. El Señor desea que tengamos más éxito en nuestros esfuerzos misioneros. Por medio de la oración diaria y la consagración, todos pueden relacionarse tanto con su Padre celestial, que El pueda concederles ricas bendiciones.

Especialmente los jóvenes en la fe necesitan estar despiertos y en guardia contra las estrategias de Satanás. Deben aferrarse resueltamente a una fe inconmovible en el gran sacrificio expiatorio. No necesitan continuar en el pecado. Por medio de la oración pueden recibir la gracia que los capacitará para vencer...

¡Cuánto más podría haberse realizado si el tiempo derrochado por el pueblo de Dios en encontrar faltas hubiera sido empleado en animarse unos a otros, y en el servicio activo! ¡Cuánto mejor es que las voces se unan en oración, en santo unísono, que emplearlas en encontrar faltas!— The Review and Herald, 3 de enero de 1907.

Las mayores victorias de la iglesia de Cristo o del cristiano... son las victorias que se alcanzan en la cámara de audiencia con Dios, cuando la fe fervorosa y agonizante se ase del poderoso brazo de la omnipotencia.— Historia de los Patriarcas y Profetas, 201, 202.

Lo que más necesitamos es... poder del corazón, orar a Dios con fe por su poder transformador... No es el poder del cerebro o el poder del dinero, sino el poder del corazón lo que la gente necesita ahora.—Carta 20, 1890.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 26, 2016

Do not dishonor God by words of repining, but praise Him with heart and soul and voice. Look on the bright side of everything. Do not bring a cloud or shadow into your home. Praise Him who is the light of your countenance and your God. Do this, and see how smoothly everything will go. Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 267.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 26, 2016

Christ Lived A Life Of Humble Obedience

Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Heb. 5:8, 9.

Christ came to our world, and lived in the home of a peasant. He wore the best garments His parents could provide, but they were the humble garments of the peasants. He walked the rough paths, and climbed the steeps of the hillsides and mountains. When He walked the streets He was apparently alone, for human eyes did not behold His heavenly attendants. He learned the trade of a carpenter, that He might stamp all honest labor as honorable and ennobling to all who work with an eye single to the glory of God. . . .

Christ, the Lord of the whole earth, was a humble artisan. He was unrecognized, neglected, and despised. But He held His commission and authority from the highest power, the Sovereign of heaven. Angels were His attendants, for Christ was doing His Father’s business just as much when toiling at the bench as a carpenter, as when working miracles for the multitude. But He concealed the secret from the world. He attached no high titles to His name, to make His position understood, but He lived the royal law of God. His work must begin in consecrating the humble trade of the craftsmen who have toiled for their daily bread. Had Christ passed His life among the grand and the rich, the world of toilers would have been deprived of the inspiration which the Lord intended they should have.

Meek and lowly was the life of Christ. He chose this life that He might help the human family. He did not take His place upon a throne as Commander of the whole earth. He laid aside His royal robe, He laid off His kingly crown, that He might be made one of the human family. He took not on Him the nature of angels. His work was not the priestly office after the appointments of men. It was impossible for man to understand His exalted position, unless the Holy Spirit should make it known. For our sake, He clothed His divinity with humanity, and stepped down from the royal throne. He resigned His position as Commander in the heavenly courts, and for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. Thus, He hid His glory under the guise of humanity, that He might touch humanity with His divine, transforming power. . . .

Those to whom Christ has given a probation in which to form characters for the mansions He has gone to prepare are to enter into His life example.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 257.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 26, 2016

Working With Jesus to Save the Lost

Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. Revelation 22:12, NKJV.

The Lord Jesus will scrutinize every talent, and expect interest in proportion to the amount of capital entrusted. By His own humiliation and agony, Christ has paid the purchase money for our salvation, and He has a right to our services. The very name of servant implies the doing of work, the bearing of responsibility. All our capabilities, all our opportunities, have been entrusted to us for wise improvement, that Christ may receive His own with usury.

The heavenly Master ascended on high, and led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men and women - divine treasures of truth to be presented to all the world. What use are we individually making of these gifts, the talents in our hands? Are we like the unwise and unfaithful servant, burying these talents in the world, where they will bring no returns to God? It behooves all with careful fidelity to improve the talents entrusted to them; for talents will increase as they are used for the good of humanity and the glory of God.

Every soul should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We are not to use up all the strength of brain, bone, and muscle in worldly business interests; for if we do, we imperil our spiritual interests, and we shall lose an eternity of bliss. The whole unfallen universe is interested in the great work which Jesus came to our world to accomplish, even the salvation of our souls. And shall not mortals on earth cooperate with our Redeemer, who has ascended into heaven to make intercession for us? Shall we show no special zeal, no devoted interest, in the work that was devised in heaven to be carried forward in the world for the good of men and women? Shall we who have been bought with the precious blood of Christ refuse to do the work left in our hands - refuse to cooperate with the heavenly agencies in the work of saving the fallen? Shall we not go even to the ends of the earth to let the light of truth given to us of heaven shine forth to our fellow human beings? - The Review and Herald, January 24, 1893.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 89.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 26, 2016

Christ has said, "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them." - Mark 11:24

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 25, 2016

Promesa de poder divino

Pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra. Hechos 1:8.

En el día de Pentecostés, el Infinito se manifestó con poder a la iglesia. Mediante su Espíritu Santo, descendió de las alturas de los cielos como un poderoso viento al aposento donde estaban reunidos los discípulos. Palabras de arrepentimiento y confesión se mezclaban con cantos de alabanza por los pecados perdonados. Se oían expresiones de agradecimiento y profecía. Todo el cielo se inclinaba para contemplar y adorar la sabiduría de amor incomparable e incomprensible.

Los apóstoles y discípulos estaban maravillados, y exclamaron: “¡Aquí hay amor!” Se apoderaron del don impartido. Sus corazones estaban llenos de una benevolencia tan plena, tan profunda, tan abarcante, que los impulsó hasta lo último de la tierra, testificando. ... Estaban llenos de un intenso anhelo por añadir a la iglesia a los que serían salvos.

Así como los discípulos salieron para proclamar el Evangelio, llenos con el poder del Espíritu, también los siervos de Dios deben salir hoy. A nuestro alrededor hay campos blancos para la siega. Esos campos deben cosecharse. Debemos llevar la Palabra, llenos con un abnegado deseo de proclamar el mensaje de misericordia a ios que están en las tiineblas del error y la incredulidad.

El Señor Dios ha hecho la promesa eterna de proporcionar poder y gracia a todos los que están santificados mediante la obediencia a la verdad. Jesucristo, a quien se le dio todo el poder en el cielo y en la tierra, se une en simpatía con sus instrumentos, las almas sinceras que día a día participan del pan viviente “que descendió del cielo”. Juan 6:33. La iglesia en la tierra, unida con la iglesia en el cielo, puede realizar todas las cosas.—Manuscrito 62, 1902.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 25, 2016

God’s Plans Are Perfect

By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Heb. 11:9, 10.

Jesus ascended to the Father as a representative of the human race, and God will bring those who reflect His image to behold and share with Him His glory. There are homes for the pilgrims of earth. There are robes for the righteous, with crowns of glory and palms of victory. All that perplexed us in the providences of God will then be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find an explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken purposes, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying and hard to bear. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for our good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven. In the home of the redeemed there will be no tears, no funeral trains, no badges of mourning. “The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity” (Isa. 33:34). One rich tide of happiness will flow and deepen as eternity rolls on. Think of this; tell it to the children of suffering and sorrow, and bid them rejoice in hope.

The nearer we come to Jesus, the more clearly we behold the purity and greatness of His character, the less we shall feel like exalting self. The contrast between our characters and His will lead to humiliation of soul and deep heart searching. The more we love Jesus, the more entirely will self be humbled and forgotten. . . .

He who is meek in spirit, he who is purest and most childlike, will be made strong for the battle. He will be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. He who feels his weakness, and wrestles with God as did Jacob, and like this servant of old cries, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me,” will go forth with the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere of heaven will surround him. He will go about doing good. His influence will be a positive force in favor of the religion of Christ. . . .

Our God is a very present help in time of need. He is acquainted with the most secret thoughts of our hearts, with all the intents and purposes of our souls. When we are in perplexity, even before we open to Him our distresses, He is making arrangements for our deliverance.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 256.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 25, 2016

When in faith we take hold of His strength, He will change, wonderfully change, the most hopeless, discouraging outlook. He will do this for the glory of His name. Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 12.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 25, 2016

There's no reason why men need remain in deception. The truth is plain, and when it's contrasted with error, its character may be discerned. - FW

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 25, 2016

Work Faithfully Where You Are

So then, each of us will be accountable to God. Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on one another. Romans 14:12, 13, NRSV.

When we have done all that we can do, we are to count ourselves unprofitable servants. There is no room for pride in our efforts; for we are dependent every moment upon the grace of God, and we have nothing that we did not receive. Says Jesus, "Without me ye can do nothing."

We are responsible only for the talents which God has bestowed upon us. The Lord does not reprove the servants who have doubled their talents, who have done according to their ability. Those who thus prove their fidelity can be commended and rewarded; but those who loiter in the vineyard, those who do nothing, or do negligently the work of the Lord, make manifest their real interest in the work to which they have been called, by their works.... The talent given to them for the glory of God and the salvation of souls has been unappreciated and abused. The good it might have done is left unaccomplished, and the Lord cannot receive His own with usury.

Let none mourn that they have not larger talents to use for the Master. While you are dissatisfied and complaining, you are losing precious time and wasting valuable opportunities. Thank God for the ability you have, and pray that you may be enabled to meet the responsibilities that have been placed upon you. If you desire greater usefulness, go to work and acquire what you mourn for. Go to work with steady patience, and do your very best, irrespective of what others are doing. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Let not your thought or your words be "O that I had a larger work! O that I were in this or that position!"

Do your duty where you are. Make the best investments possible with your entrusted gift in the very place where your work will count the most before God. Put away all murmuring and strife. Labor not for the supremacy. Be not envious of the talents of others; for that will not increase your ability to do a good or a great work. Use your gift in meekness, in humility, in trusting faith, and wait till the day of reckoning, and you will have no cause for grief or shame. - The Review and Herald, May 1, 1888.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 88.

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 24, 2016

Infallible Assurance

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Dan. 12:3.

Many, very many, will be terribly surprised when the Lord shall come suddenly as a thief in the night. Let us watch and pray, lest coming suddenly He find us sleeping. My soul is deeply stirred as I consider how much we ought to do for perishing souls. The prediction of Daniel, “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Dan. 12:4), is to be fulfilled in our giving of the warning message; many are to be enlightened regarding the sure word of prophecy. . . .

The salvation of souls should be our first consideration. I am troubled when I see many rejoicing in temporal prosperity, for those who possess worldly treasure seldom seek earnestly to secure the heavenly. They are in danger of falling into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown man in destruction. . . .

We need a more firm reliance upon a “Thus saith the Lord.” If we have this, we shall not trust to feeling, and be ruled by feeling. God asks us to rest in His love. It is our privilege to know the Word of God as a sure and tried guide, an infallible assurance. Let us work on the faith side of the question. Let us believe and trust, and talk faith and hope and courage. Let the praise of God be in our hearts and on our lips oftener than it is. “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me” (Ps. 50:23). Keep the mind stayed upon God, and know the love of Christ as the Word of God reveals it. This Word is life. Talk of Christ; call others to behold Him as your Redeemer.

It is our privilege to rest in an active, living faith in Christ as the Life-giver. It is our privilege to comprehend with all saints, what is the length and depth and height, and to know the love of God which passeth knowledge, and be filled with all the fullness of God. Let us contemplate Christ as the One in whom all fullness dwells. Beholding Him as our personal Saviour, we shall appreciate the value of His saving grace. We should think about Jesus more than we do. We should let His praise be in our hearts. We should speak of the love that has been so abundantly expressed for us. We certainly have every reason to praise God with heart and soul and voice, saying, I will praise the Lord for His great love wherewith He hath loved me. . . .

Lift Him up, the Christ of Calvary; lift Him up, that the world may behold Him. Talk of His goodness, sing of His love, and give Him the grateful thanks of your hearts.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, p. 255.

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Devoción Matutina en español

Devoción Matutina en español

October 24, 2016

No hay excusa para el fracaso

Sabemos que todo aquel que ha nacido de Dios, no práctica el pecado, pues Aquel que fue engendrado por Dios le guarda, y el maligno no le toca. 1 Juan 5:18.

Muchos dejan de reconocer el derecho que Dios tiene sobre ellos. Profesan ser hijos e hijas de Dios, pero no se comportan como hijos de Dios. Afirman que sus malos hábitos y costumbres que practicaban cuando servían bajo la bandera negra del príncipe de las tinieblas, deben excusarse a causa de su debilidad, y dicen que ésa es su “manera de ser”... Prefieren retener como ídolos los rasgos hereditarios objetables de carácter.

Cuando un alma se ha convertido cabalmente, los malos hábitos naturales desaparecen con la ayuda de Cristo, y todas las cosas son hechas nuevas. Entre los que profesan ser siervos de Cristo, debería existir un ferviente propósito, tal como el que manifestó Daniel en la corte de Babilonia. Sabía que Dios era su fortaleza y su escudo, su vanguardia y su retaguardia. Entre las corrupciones que lo rodearon en la corte de Babilonia, se mantuvo libre de las

imágenes y los sonidos que podían seducirlo y hacerlo caer en la tentación. Cuando sus deberes requerían que estuviera presente en escenas de orgía, intemperancia y la más baja idolatría, cultivó el hábito de orar silenciosamente, y así lo protegió el poder de Dios. Tener la mente elevada hacia Dios será beneficioso en todo tiempo y lugar...

Que el alma cultive el hábito de contemplar al Redentor del mundo... Vosotros que leéis estas líneas, ¿queréis decidir que nunca más procuraréis excusar vuestros defectos de carácter diciendo “es mi manera de ser”? Que nadie diga: “No puedo cambiar mis hábitos y tendencias naturales”. Hay que permitir que la verdad penetre en el alma, porque así realizará la santificación del carácter. Refinará y elevará la vida y os preparará para las mansiones celestiales.— The Youth’s Instructor, 7 de junio de 1894.

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Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day

October 24, 2016

It is Satan's work to discourage the soul; it is Christ's work to inspire with faith and hope. Desire of Ages, p. 249.

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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

October 24, 2016

Small Talents Have Value and Can Increase

The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. Ecclesiastes 12:11, NKJV

Let business men or women do business in a way that will glorify their Master because of their fidelity. Let them carry their religion into everything that is done and reveal to others the Spirit of Christ. Let the mechanic be a diligent and faithful representative of Him who toiled in the lowly walks of life in the cities of Judea. Let everyone who names the name of Christ so work, that others by seeing their good works may be led to glorify their Creator and Redeemer. "Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord." Let the upbuilding of the kingdom of Christ be your constant thought, and let every effort be directed toward this one end.

Those who have been blessed with superior talents should not depreciate the value of the services of those who are less gifted than themselves. The smallest trust is a trust from God. The one talent, through diligent use with the blessing of God, will be doubled, and the two used in the service of Christ will be increased to four; and thus the humblest instrument may grow in power and usefulness. The earnest purpose, the self-denying efforts, are all seen, appreciated, and accepted by the God of heaven. "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones." God alone can estimate the worth of their service, and see the far-reaching influence of those who work for the glory of their Maker.

We are to make the very best use of our opportunities, and to study to show ourselves approved unto God. God will accept our best efforts; but let no one imagine He will be pleased with ignorance and inability when, with proper improvement of privileges bestowed, a better service might be supplied. We are not to despise the day of small things; but by a diligent care and perseverance, we are to make the small opportunities and talents minister to our advancement in divine life, and hasten us on to a more intelligent and better service. - The Review and Herald, May 1, 1888.

From Devotional: To Be Like Jesus, p. 87.

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